Tuesday, November 14, 2017

A New World Order-Tax-Free, Corruption-free Economy

The  reviews on NEW WORLD ORDER’ received from members of World Economic Association


1. The book “A New World Order’ is quite interesting as it deals with all crucial economic issues which need our immediate attention.
Dr. K. venkatasubramaniam, Former V.C. Pondicherry University

2. My dear Viswanathan, I wonder what progress you have made in making a draft of second edition of your book on International economics. And I am looking forward to the comments you have received so far and how we could therefrom go forward.
Dr. V. ShanmugaSundaram, Member, T.N. State Planning Commision.

3. To sum up, the book deals with many important problems which merit to be discussed at an International conference by both Indian and Foreign Economists and, I suggest that the author should go ahead with his proposal of putting forth his publication at the forth coming World Economic Conference.
Prof. S.N. Sen,University of Pune.

4. ‘A New World Order’ is an excellent treatise for solving poverty, and other economic evils and political evils such as ‘Star Wars’.
Dr. K. Sitaraman Swami, Ph.D (U.S.A.), F.R.E.S (U.K)

5. I am sure your book ‘A New World Order’ will be one of the finest ever in the world and will bring out Socio-Economic problems in the world.
Brig. T.V. Manoharan, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi.

6. The book has provided an intellectually churning reading. I have great appreciation for your work and efforts.
Dr. S.K. Jain, I.I.T. Delhi

7. Your  book is quite interesting and thought provoking.
Prof. P.N. Pal

8. Your book ‘A New World Order’ has given a dimension of thinking that is completely new and unsought for
Dr. Rama Shankar Singh, A.S. College, Bihar

9. Your book ‘A New World Order’ is invaluable to thinkers                   
Dr. R.S. Gupta, D.N. College, Meerut.

10. The threat of nuclear war, poverty, unemployment have almost shaken the world economy. Your book, I feel, will certainly create awareness among the people of the world.

                                                                         Synopsis – In a nutshell
                                                           A NEW WORLD ORDER
                                     Democratism(People's Capitalism)– The Third Economic System
                                                     The Theory and Practice
                                                                      ISBN: 97893 8639 7072
                                           www.Gyan books.com; www.Indian books and periodicals.com

It is the economic justice that the governments of all countries should enact just one law: “One share to one person only” It democratize the economy. It creates tax-free, interest-free, corruption-free, unemployment-free, war and terrorism-free economy. It is the New World Order.   
    The mankind now needs neither "Capitalism nor Socialism but Democratism-The third economic system" for its future survival. Otherwise, it will perish in the World War III/Terrorism or Great Global Depression.
1. ‘Democrism' means ‘Democratization of Economy' or ‘Democratic Capitalism' or ‘Creation of People's Direct Ownership of Capital.'
2. Each  Industry  For  All  And  All  Industries For  Each: When the economy is democratized  "Each  Worker  will  own a Share in All The
Industries and All The Workers will  own a  Share in  Each  Industry".  No worker  will be  allowed to  sell his share, and all share market gambles will be rejected.  
3. Classless Society: The high economic concept will remove the class distinction between ‘Capitalists and Workers'  and create  a  ‘Classless Society' without forcibly acquiring the capital stock of a few capitalists.
4. Dual Monetary System: A new economic technique known as ‘Dual Monetary System' will be injected by replacing the hitherto existing complex fiscal and monetary policies. Under the Dual Monetary System, new money  distinguishes as ‘Investment Money ' will be put into circulation in addition to the present money which will be called as ‘Consumption Money.' When the investment money is put into circulation, it will create adequate capital for the generation of new employment opportunities.
5. Interest-Free Investment: Whenever the workers buy goods and services a part of the price in the form of  ‘Investment money' will flow into their ‘Investment Account' of the workers in ‘Investment Bank.'
6. Creation and acquisition of Capital: This ‘Investment Money'  (of workers) will be utilized for  creation of  new capital  to generate  new employment  opportunities and  for the acquisition  of accumulated  capital stock of  Corporate  Sector without  harassing them to democratize  the economy or to  establish ‘People's  Direct Ownership of  Capital.'
7. Stabilization of Employment: The investment money will function as ‘Equilibrator' between ‘Producers monetary expenditure and their monetary income.' It will empower the producers to receive their ‘expected income' even though all the goods produced are not sold to stabilize the volume of employment and income of workers.
8. Dual Income: The workers will receive dual income-"Wage for Labor and Dividend for  investment."
9. Egalitarian Society: On the distribution of ‘National Dividend’ the poor workers will get higher dividend than the rich workers  to uphold ‘Distributive Justice.'  It will reduce the ‘incomegap' between workers and help to create an  ‘Egalitarian society.'
10. Workers' Management: Since each industry is directly owned by all the workers of the country, the management of each industry will be entrusted by the workers of the industry on behalf of the workers of the whole country.
 The worker-managers should assume responsibility to keep accountability and transparency to the workers as a whole.
11. Tax-Free Economy: Similarly the workers will directly contribute some part their of National dividend to the government to meet its expenditure by abolishing kinds of taxes.
12. Inflation-Free Economy and Just Price: In  Democratic  Economy since all the Producers (workers) are the Consumers and all the Consumers are Producers, the price level of goods will be determined by themselves, and it will be Just price, and there will be no question of Inflation. It will establish a PROSUMER (PROducer cum conSUMER) SOCIETY in which the distinction between producers and consumers will disappear.
13. Corruption-Free Economy: In Democratism when ‘Investment Money' comes into circulation, it will prevent the buyers to spend any volume of money that is covered over and above their ‘declared income.' So that no one will spend the ‘corrupt money, ' and it will become a waste paper.
14.Cherishing  Social  Morality:  Any volume  of money  that is stolen or even ‘picked up ' that is found on the street or collected as unauthorized donations by any socio-economic-political organizations could not be spent for buying goods and services under the administration of ‘Investment Money.' It will empower the people to cherish social morality.
15. Preventing the circulation of counterfeit money: The Investment Money will act as the filter or a check post to flow only the ‘consumption money' into the ‘income and expenditure streams' of the consumers and producers. It will prevent all counterfeit and illicit money to flow into circulation. No political action is required to immune or to insulate the legally accepted volume of money to flow into circulation.  
16. Elimination of  Nuclear  Weapons and  Terrorism: In Democratic Economy since workers directly own all industries, the workers will not allow their industries to produce any Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). It is the only solution to eliminate nuclear weapons and global terrorist activities. Ultimately it will lead us towards "One World, One Government, and One Humanity." 
 17. Formation of  Economic  Government: Since all the industries are directly owned by the workers as a whole, they will possess absolute control over the management of the industries, in short over the whole economic activities of the country. To empower the ‘rule of the workers' an ‘Economic Government' will be formed through the representative of workers of each industry, both service and goods sector, such as iron and steel, mining, agriculture, railways, communication and information technology, postal service, education and so on.
18. Each industry will function as ‘economic constituency, ' and the workers will elect their representatives, according to the proportion of workers population, to the economic government. These worker-representatives will elect their ‘head of the economic government'. He will be the powerful head of the state and select his council of ministers through proper guidelines.
The present ‘political government' will function as usual but its power will be on par with the ‘municipal corporation.' Moreover, the administration of political government will be under the control of the people.
        The doctrine of Democratism can be simplified as follows:
"Work according to Energy;                                Work Justice
Wage According to Work;                                   Wage Justice
Investment according to Wage;                         Investment Justice
 Dividend according to Investment burden;   Dividend  Justice
 Equality according to Dividend and                  Egalitarian Justice
Ideal Society according to Equality."                 Socio-Economic Justice.

Contact: economist1943@gmail.com; Mobile: 919444635017
Buy the book : “A New World Order”- ISBN:9789386397072; www.gyanbooks.com or kalpaz publishers.com or www.indian books and periodicals.com